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Electric Cars

There is no doubt that electric vehicles are here to stay, at least for private passenger use and at least in cities. And there is no doubt that battery technologies will improve, and that costs will come down.


This article takes a looks at the CO2 emission characteristics of currently available fully electric vehicles (EV’s), and the implications for the UK national electricity grid if EV’s were to be widely adopted, displacing internal combustion engine (ICE) car

Total number of articles = 7
Electric cars and their environmental impact - introduction

An introduction into some of the questions about the environmental performance of EV's.

Electric cars - implications for UK electricity generation

Shifting to EV's implies a huge investment in additional power generation.

Electric cars - CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions from EV's depend on how the power is produced.

Electric cars - conclusions

EV's are expensive, and require massive investment in generation capacity.

Electric cars - energy use figures

Real world, pragmatic energy usage?

Electric cars - cost of refuelling

Tax plays a critical role in the costs of refuelling. If fuels were taxed equally on carbon impact, the UK electricity would be a lot more expensive.

Electric cars - The problem of range

Higher range on an EV is not straightforward.

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